Friday, May 31, 2013

Day 74, Zero, total miles- 1018.1

Today was mostly about resting. In the afternoon I walked around the Historical District. There are a lot of interesting buildings and exhibits here. I went to the outfitters to look at their hiking shoes. I have to get new shoes before I get back on trail. I took a picture of the confluence of the Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers.
After looking around the Historical District I hitchhiked up to the Teahorse Hostel. I got a ride from a lady that works as a cook at a restaurant near the hostel. I was going there to see if there were any hikers there that I knew. There were many. I saw Wanderlust, Iceman, Dutch, Guard, Great Legs, King, Wiki,  Sunshine and Night Rider. I went to get something to eat with some of them. It was nice seeing so many familiar faces. Most of them are getting back on trail tomorrow.
I am going to take the train to Washington DC tomorrow at 10:55 am. I am going to visit with family there until Wednesday morning, when I will get back on trail. Taking five days off trail is longer than I had planned, but it works better for everyone. I'm sure my body will appreciate it.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures from Harper's Ferry. I've only been there in the mist. Enjoy your respite!


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Thanks, Jeff, aka Blazer

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