Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Day 86, miles today- 11.3, total- 1,142.5

Darlington Shelter to Doyle Hotel, Duncannon, PA.

I started hiking this morning at 8:00. It was a warm and clear day. I had a pretty short day into town. I planned to resupply in Duncannon. It was a fairly easy hike. The trail went through fields of some sort of hay I think. It was over four feet tall at times. The last six miles were very rocky. Pennsylvania is known for rocky trails. It's suppose to be even worse north of Duncannon. The last five miles I hiked with Finder. I found out that she grew up in Cincinnati. She lived in Westwood and went to Walnut Hills HS. She graduated from there in 2004.  She lives in New York now.

I got to the Doyle Hotel at about noon. I ate lunch there and got a room. It's popular with thru hikers. They are very hiker friendly. It's a VERY low end hotel. It's definitely in disrepair. I'm sure in it's day, built in 1905, it was a grand place. I had heard it was really bad, but some said it's something that every thru hiker should experience. They gave the hikers a ride to the grocery store a couple miles away. The thru hikers here are Tugboat, Life Raft, Hooker, Triple Six, Calamity Jane, Finder, and Fables. There were two section hikers named Jim Dog and Firefly. Jim Dog is the person carrying a guitar. The two of them, father and daughter, are from Utah. They are very nice. There could be others here too. I received two packages at the Doyle. One was a care package from KYA Breeze. Thank you! The other was from Leki. The company that makes my trekking poles. The locking mechanism failed on both poles. They sent me replacement parts.

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Thanks, Jeff, aka Blazer

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