Saturday, May 4, 2013

Day 46, miles today- 17.2, total- 637

Woods Hole Hostel to Rice Field Shelter.

After eating breakfast at Woods Hole, I had to do a 1/2 mile road walk to get back to the trail. It was 9:15 am when I got to the trail. It was in the low 40's which is nice for backpacking. Today I had some really great views. The one valley view was spectacular.

I had a little more than ten miles to reach Pearisburg, VA. My plan was to resupply, go to the post office, and eat lunch there. I got to town at 12:30 pm. I walked towards the Food Lion. A couple doors down was the Lucky Star Buffet Restaurant. At a distance I saw two guys with packs going in. I didn't know who it was, so I headed there to see if it was anyone I knew. It was Truck Surfer and Jet Pack. I had seen both of them several times in the past. They are both in their early twenties. Since I was there, and they offer AYCE ( all you can eat) for 5.99, I decided to eat also. The two guys invited me to join them, which I did. I took a picture of Truck Surfer sitting in front of the restaurant after we had finished.

I next walked several blocks to the Post Office to mail something home. After that I walked back to the Food Lion to get food for the next 70-90 miles. I saw the five young guys I had saw at the hostel, leaving the store. We spoke briefly. After getting my food items, I then started the one mile walk back to the trail. I passed a DQ on the way, so I stopped for an ice cream cone. When I got outside, I couldn't hold the cone and put my pack on, so I asked a girl walking by if she'd h,old it for me. She looked at me a little funny, but she said okay. On the way out of town I across the US 460 bridge which goes over the New River. Finally back on trail.

I came to a short side trail to the Pearis Cemetery. There were some really old headstones. Many of the people had died in the early 1900's. The oldest was for Captain George Pearis, a Revolutionary War soldier. He was born in 1746 and died in 1810. I find old cemeteries interesting. It's always a little sad to see how many young children died back many years ago.

Coming out of most towns there is a big up, today was no exception. My food bag was over flowing, which meant extra weight. So the big up was difficult. It was after 7:00 pm when I reached the Rice Field Shelter. Jet Pack, Foxtrot, and Dutch were the only people there. I was afraid it might be full given how late I had arrived. I made macaroni and cheese. I also had a brownie, I offered the others one also. Foxtrot is the guy in the red jacket.

We talked for a hour or more about life on the trail and our plans for the days ahead. Later I worked on my blog, while someone snored away. It's close to 10:00 now, so I better get to sleep too. Right after I find my ear plugs.


  1. You sure are cruising along now! I showed my 7-year old nephew your blog (he's a big hiker. It was fun to talk about the shelters with him and then show him pictures. You are inspiring many - both young and old :-)

  2. Jeff,
    You are making great progress. Braden continues to read your blog, my wife Sharon is now into it, and by the time their done, I've usually fallen asleep. I've caught up on my reading and your posts and descriptions are fantastic. I've figured them out ...... people's postings on Twitter, Facebook, etc. are generally of ordinary life we all experience. An AT thru-hiker's postings on a blog are "extra"ordinary - an experience that many of us will only live through your pictures, descriptions, and sharings. Thanks for faithfully chronicling your journey.

    Steve and I have been charting your progress since the beginning and talked of trying to get to Bland, VA about 4 weeks ago as we saw the trail crossed the interstate. We also had calculated it to be the closest location to Madeira. We measured the map, averaged your pace and had figured 4 weeks ago that May 3 or 4 would be the day. Voila .... we were right on it. Unfortunately, a busy weekend and Prom trumped our chances to actually offer you some trail magic. Congrats on all your mileage thus far. Simply amazing.


    1. Thanks Kenji! Seeing the two of you at a road crossing would have been a huge surprise. I always enjoyed seeing the after prom setup. I miss being there.

  3. I love reading your posts Jeff! Watch out for ticks and take care. It's fun to watch the progress of the beard!



Thank you for following me on my journey, and for your comment.

Thanks, Jeff, aka Blazer

Please keep all comments kid friendly.