Thursday, May 16, 2013

Day 58, miles today- 20.8, total- 816.1

USFS 39 (near) to Seeley-Woodworth Shelter.

Today started with a cool morning. Laying in the sleeping bag felt great. Wanderlust, Dutch, Iceman and I were on trail at 8:30 am. It was clear and sunny all day. Over 80 degrees this afternoon. We stopped for a break at the Brown Mountain Creek Shelter. Soon after that we entered into an area that was once the Brown Mountain Creek Community, which was abandoned in the early 1900's. The trail followed along a beautiful mountain stream. There were remnants of some sort of structures. At one location there were stones stacked 24 inches high in a rectangular shape. Probably the foundation for cabin. I found it very interesting. There was very little level land next to the stream. The stream was between two mountains. We had a 2,600 ft climb over a four mile stretch. It was a big up! But we survived it. I passed a lady named Eureka. She was doing a southbound dayhike. She thru hiked the AT in 2011. We talked for a few minutes. She asked if I had got the Virginia blues. I guess because there are over 500 miles of the AT in Virginia, some people get discouraged. I haven't felt that at all, I've enjoyed every day. She offered me some snacks, but I had just ate so I didn't take any. I fell today. As we were nearing a road crossing we could see a vehicle in a parking lot. Thinking possible trail magic, I was looking at the vehicle instead of the trail. I caught my right foot on a root and fell to the ground. I hit pretty hard, but only got a few minor scratches on my leg. We took several breaks during the day. At the one break we made several phone calls to arrange transportation to Trail Days in Damascus. We are going to head that direction Friday morning. We passed the 800 mile mark today. It's hard to believe.

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Thanks, Jeff, aka Blazer

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