Saturday, May 25, 2013

Day 66, miles today- 21.4, total- 899.4

Blackrock Hut to High top Hut.

I hiked solo today. I got on trail at 7:30 am. The rain stopped during the night. It started out slightly cool but warned up a lot as the day went on. There were many great views today. The trail crossed Skyline Drive several times. It's a beautiful area. In a number of ways the nicest section of trail so far.

After about 7 miles I came to a short side trail to the Loft Camp store. I had heard they weren't open but decided to check anyway. I only had about two days of food for the next 75 miles. My plan was to eat at some of the Wayside restaurants and pick of a few items at the camp stores. When I reached the Loft store there was a sign on the door that said it was closed. I saw people working inside, so I went in the unlocked door. The one lady said they were closed, but that if I needed food I could get something. I got several items and then headed back to the trail.

A few miles later I came to a 0.5 mile side trail to the Loft Mtn. Wayside. It's a small restaurant and gift shop. I ate lunch, charged my phone and rested for about two hours. I ate with Wiki. I've stayed in one or two shelters with him. He lives in Virginia where he graduated from college. Several other backpackers soon arrived. There was Great Legs, Hoops, King, Beacon, and Slip. Everyone hung out for a good while.

Not long after leaving I saw a black bear. My first bear since starting the AT. I approached very slow, in hopes of getting a good picture of him. He stayed close for a few minutes, but became uncomfortable with my presences.

I saw two dung beetles on the trail. I'm not sure what they were trying to do with their round object, but I'm pretty sure they were up to no good.

In the afternoon I stopped at an overlook with Beacon and Wiki. Beacon has the orange shirt on. Wiki has the blue shirt.

When reaching the shelter there were several people there. Most were a group that were taking an instructor led backpacking trip. I talked for several minutes with the guy and lady that either owned or worked for the company. I told them about trips that I have led and we talked about the many considerations when planning trips. I also talked to two young ladies on the trip. One was from New Jersey and the other from Louisville Kentucky. The girl from KY had been to Red River Gorge a few times. I suggested she try Big South Fork.
In or near the shelter was Wiki, King, Slip, Hoops, Great Legs, Beacon, All the Way, and a couple other guys. It started raining at 8:30 pm.


  1. When you saw the bear, did you yell cantaloupe? lol


  2. Definitely have to watch out for the copperheads. We used to find them in our house while growing up in Augusta County. I coaxed one into a clear plastic bag to show my parents when they arrived home. Surprise and amusement was not the look I was getting. Notice the nice venom sacs on the side of the head.


Thank you for following me on my journey, and for your comment.

Thanks, Jeff, aka Blazer

Please keep all comments kid friendly.