Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 15, miles today- 17.9, total- 182.5

I saw Oaks and Sweet Pea at the Lodge before I left. They had spent the night with friends. I got a ride two miles back to the trail. It was 8:50 am when I started hiking. It was about 40 degrees and clear. I had a 3,000 ft up from the dam. After 5 miles I came to a side trail to the Shuckstack fire tower. I had a great view from the top of the tower. The tower is in poor condition. I hiked by myself today. Mid day I met Great Legs, he's from Connecticut. I asked if he had seen a few different guys. He said Phys Ed was in front of us. When I reached Spence Field shelter he was there. I'll probably hike with him tomorrow. His friend Jack is with him now too. He was off trail when I met Phys Ed last week. There's a father and daughter here, Sparky and Kasey. They're from Iowa. Kasey graduated from college last year. There's also Karma who is from Pennsylvania. It's 8:07, I need to get in the sleeping bag.


  1. Jeff/Blazer,
    The pictures you are taking are GREAT..... What is the purpose of the bags hanging from the tree? Stay safe!!


    1. Called bear bags. To keep food safe from bears.

    2. Dah.... That makes sense. Thanks!

    3. MAureen,

      this is so the bears dont get your food bag.


  2. I still can't believe you're really doing this!! I'm stressing over running my first 5k in July lol You're my hero :)


Thank you for following me on my journey, and for your comment.

Thanks, Jeff, aka Blazer

Please keep all comments kid friendly.