Saturday, April 13, 2013

Day 26, miles today- 7.1, total- 335.7

Because of the extra miles we did yesterday, today was a short day. Tomorrow I will hike into Erwin. Raider left camp early. His wife is going to meet him in Damascus, Va. So he needs to push the miles. I ate breakfast at 8:45 am. I didn't start hiking until 10:30 am. I laid in my tent most of the time. I saw my first snake today. There was trail magic at Spivey Gap. There was a plastic container with all sorts of odds and ends. I took a break there. Grim showed up a few minutes later. Then Sequoia showed up. I hadn't seen him for a few days. Phys Ed was back a ways. I hiked the last 5 miles with him. I'm tenting near the No Business Knob shelter. There are 20+ people here. Most are weekend backpackers. I don't think they know that we go to sleep real early. Usually by 8 pm. I will likely hike with Sequoia and Phys Ed for at least a few days. Sequoia is in the red jacket. Tomorrow will be a short day too. I'll resupply there, in Erwin, for my next 75 miles.

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Thanks, Jeff, aka Blazer

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