Monday, April 8, 2013

Day 20, miles today- 17.9, total- 260.8

I started hiking at 8:45 am. Rabbit, Garbage Man, and Caroline and I planned to stay at the Walnut Mountain shelter. We didn't hike together but we did see each other several times during the day. We met for a break/lunch at Max patch Summit. The sky was clear so we had great views. It was around 70 degrees this afternoon. With the warmer temperatures we are now seeing more insects. I passed a FAA tower today. Caroline used Rabbits trekking poles the last 1.3 miles. She had never used them before. Rabbit and I told her and Garbage Man that they should give them a try. She said afterwards that they helped a lot and that she wants to get a pair. After we got to the shelter we had a campfire. The four of us went to a higher spot to watch the sunset. Guard and Great Legs are also staying here. They came in a couple hours after us. The trail today was pretty good. A few big ups but mostly well graded trail. In thirteen miles I'll be in Hot Springs NC. I'm staying there tomorrow night for sure. I may even take a zero there, spending two nights and not hiking at all for a day. My right foot bothered me some today so I may decide to rest it for a day. I have a food drop waiting for me there.


  1. Jeff,
    You are really racking up the miles now. You must have gotten your hiking legs. Hope you are going to be able to watch or listen to basketball finals. Your pictures are amazing. Hope your foot doesn't start bothering you. Sounds like you have met some great hikers and nice to find some going your pace. Reds won today 5 out of 7 wins. Beat the Cards in their home opener, 13-4. It was 4-4 in the top of the ninth and the Reds scored 9 runs. Blow-out. We are having nice weather too. Getting ready to bid on the roofs at the high school. Aren't you sad you will miss this. Keep posting. I'm amazed how often you are able to post.
    Susan C

  2. Jeff,
    Have fun in Hot Springs. Nice place to stay :-) Good memories :-)

  3. Blazer,
    I'm watching the Louisville- Michigan game as I'm reading about your hike. Wow! You are so amazing. You are getting to see so much and meeting so many interesting folks. I love the names! I can't decide who I'm rooting for in this championship game. It hard to ever root for Michigan but I like Burke since he's from Jim's alma mater, Columbus Northland. We need to send Glenna to do massage therapy on your foot.
    Jeanne G.


Thank you for following me on my journey, and for your comment.

Thanks, Jeff, aka Blazer

Please keep all comments kid friendly.