Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Day 37, zero day, total- 467.1

I took another zero today. My feet are feeling much better. I moved down the street to Hikers Inn. It's a little bit nicer. There are two bunks in a small room. But, each bunk has a mattress with sheets and a pillow. Staying in the room is Fred Bear, Handstand, and Diet Coke. I ate dinner with Handstand and Trucker at Blue Blaze Cafe. I have my backpack ready for hitting the trail in the morning.

Next up is Grayson Highlands State Park. There are wild ponies there. Hopefully I'll get a few good pictures of them. I've struck out with the bears. 

There was one thing I forgot to mention for Monday. When I got to Damascus I saw Sooty at the hostel I was staying at. He was getting ready to get back on trail. I asked if he knew who Wanderlust was and if he had seen him. He said he had been in town that morning. As I walked towards the outfitters I saw Wanderlust and Foxtrot. I went over and talked to them both for several minutes. Wanderlust said his Grandmother had some how come across my blog and saw that I had mentioned him. I hadn't told them about it. She had told him that I was a day or two behind him. It was nice seeing Wanderlust and Foxtrot again. I hope I'll continue to see them from time to time.


  1. Haha your idea of "striking out with the bears" and mine are two completely different things! Glad you had a nice time in Damascus.

  2. Looking forward to pics of wild ponies. Glad your feet feel better. Spoke with doc this morn and he agreed about padding and buddy taping toes. Be safe. Nancy

  3. Moving right along. Keep posting. I am living the trail through your eyes now. Have a blast.


Thank you for following me on my journey, and for your comment.

Thanks, Jeff, aka Blazer

Please keep all comments kid friendly.